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How to apply for a certificate of existing use for a building or works.
What to do if you want to vary the conditions of your development permit.
Update your address in the land register.
How to become a Commissioner for Oaths in the Northern Territory.
You must hold a commercial vehicle licence (CVL) before you can operate a CPV. Find out how to apply or renew your CVL.
How to apply for approval by the technical advisory committee for individually constructed vehicles in the Northern Territory.
When and how to make a complaint about a Northern Territory liquor licensee.
You can apply for an NT isolated students education allowance, payable to the boarding facilities to help with homework supervision for your child.
You can apply for accreditation to own and operate a taxi or CPV in the NT. Your accreditation is valid for five years and can be renewed.
The steps you need to take to register a livestock brand for use on Aboriginal Land Trust.