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Showing 571 - 580 of 625 search results for
  1. Apply for a certificate of existing use | NT.GOV.AU

    How to apply for a certificate of existing use for a building or works.

  2. Apply for a variation of conditions: development permit | NT.GOV.AU

    What to do if you want to vary the conditions of your development permit.

  3. Update your address in the land register | NT.GOV.AU

    Update your address in the land register.

  4. How to become a Commissioner for Oaths | NT.GOV.AU

    How to become a Commissioner for Oaths in the Northern Territory.

  5. Commercial vehicle licence (CVL): apply or renew | NT.GOV.AU

    You must hold a commercial vehicle licence (CVL) before you can operate a CPV. Find out how to apply or renew your CVL.

  6. Apply for technical advisory committee approval | NT.GOV.AU

    How to apply for approval by the technical advisory committee for individually constructed vehicles in the Northern Territory.

  7. How to make a complaint about a licensee that sells, supplies or…

    When and how to make a complaint about a Northern Territory liquor licensee.

  8. Isolated Students Education Allowance for Boarding Facilities |…

    You can apply for an NT isolated students education allowance, payable to the boarding facilities to help with homework supervision for your child.

  9. Accreditation in the NT: apply or renew | NT.GOV.AU

    You can apply for accreditation to own and operate a taxi or CPV in the NT. Your accreditation is valid for five years and can be renewed.

  10. Register a brand for use on Aboriginal land | NT.GOV.AU

    The steps you need to take to register a livestock brand for use on Aboriginal Land Trust.