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How to apply for a permit, when permits are allowed and not allowed.
Information for Northern Territory businesses wanting to serve free alcoholic drinks to customers, including how to register as a complimentary server and…
How to request proof of your qualification if you lose your trade certificate.
How to apply to transfer the ownership of an abandoned vehicle found on a private property.
How to book a Communicating Across Languages workshop at the Aboriginal Interpreting Service NT.
Getting permission to change or add to your public housing home, and what happens when you move out.
How to apply to the MVR to fit dual control to a vehicle if you are conducting driver training.
How to apply for concessions on registration and stamp duty for your electric vehicle.
Find out how to report injured marine animals, fish kills or ghost nets you see on the water.
Apply for a variation of conditions: exceptional development permit. You can apply for a variation of conditions if you want to make minor changes to the…